PS-WA Reviewed Research Articles on PMADs

Its hard to stay up to date with the newest research- let us help.  We will review a new research articles each month and post it here. Click on each link for our a pdf of each of our reviews.

How does mother’s depression affect the fetal brain? A look at the amygdala
Review of MGH Center for Women’s Mental Health (2015) article.
Maternal Depression and Fetal Brain Development

Maternal Depression Often Starts Before Giving Birth.
Review of article: Heterogeneity of postpartum depression: a latent class analysis from the Lancet Journal
Maternal Depression Often Begins in Pregnancy

Miscarriage and Postpartum Depression: Conflicting Evidence
Review of article: Effect of Previous Miscarriage on Depressive Symptoms During Subsequent Pregnancy and Postpartum in the First Baby Study, in the Maternal and child health Journal
Miscarriage and Postpartum Depression

Paternal Postpartum Depression
Review of article: Longitudinal contribution of maternal and paternal depression to toddler behaviors: Interparental conflict and later depression as mediators from the Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice Journal
Paternal Postpartum Depression

What is postpartum obsessive-compulsive disorder?
Review of article: Obsessive-compulsive symptoms during the postpartum period: A prospective cohort from the The Journal of Reproductive Medicine.
What is Postpartum Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder_