Thurston County Perinatal SERVICES


Thurston County’s estimated population in 2021 was 297,977, an increase of 18.1% since 2010. There are an estimated 3,000 babies born in the county per year, and those under five years old make up 5.7% of Thurston County’s population. The percent of the county’s population living below the official poverty rate in 2020 was 9.7%, slightly higher than WA state’s rate of 9.5%.

2020 census data shows that 81.5% of Thurston County residents identified as White, 3.6% Black, 1.8% American Indian or Alaska Native, 7.3% Asian, Native Hawaiian, or other Pacific Islander, and 9.4% Hispanic or Latino. Olympia is the largest city in the county and is the capital of Washington State.

county resources


Thurston County is not currently receiving the PMHI Grant, but are continuing to meet. They were most recently funded (July 2022-June 2024)

Thurston County was the recipient of the Perinatal Mental Health Initiative (PMHI) Grant from 2022-2024. The PMHI is a partnership between local grant funded organizations, Perinatal Support Washington, and the funder Strengthening Families Washington, a program within the Department of Children, Youth & Families. The PMHI focuses on perinatal mental health capacity building for local communities aimed at increasing awareness of perinatal mental health disorders amongst providers and families, increasing perinatal mental health screening and appropriate referrals, and creating easy pathways for families to access the care they need.

The Thurston Perinatal Mental Health Task force is hosted by Thurston County Public Health and Social Services. Their mission is “working together to achieve the highest level of health and well-being for everyone.”

We recognize that for many families in our community, the perinatal period poses additional obstacles to achieving their highest level of health and well-being, and that those who are navigating mental health challenges often find they don’t know where to turn for help.

We chose to pursue this funding opportunity because we believe that the power of collaboration and community can make an impact on the health and well-being of our perinatal families.

Our task force participants include Thurston County mental health providers, pediatricians, primary care providers, parent educators, home visitors, and other community partners who play a role in supporting families during the perinatal period. Our meetings are an opportunity to work together to strengthen our community’s ability to support families impacted by unmet mental health needs during the perinatal period.


  • Adding a monthly virtual support group
  • Updating our Thurston County Perinatal Mental Health Resource Guide
  • Providing PMH-related resources, support, and training to local providers and community partners
  • Planning for virtual listening sessions with Thurston County parents. This will help to inform the goals of the task force in 2025, as well as promote further collaboration with parents with lived experience in our community.


CONTACT: Thurston County Parent Child Health Team

Thurston County Perinatal Mental Health Task Force
Meets Quarterly




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Thurston County Parenting and Postpartum Support Group

January 19 @ 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Thurston County Public Health

This is a support group for any parent currently navigating the highs and lows of pregnancy, postpartum, and/or parenting infants. Join other parents navigating the highs and lows of pregnancy,…

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Thurston County Parenting and Postpartum Support Group

February 6 @ 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Thurston County Public Health

This is a support group for any parent currently navigating the highs and lows of pregnancy, postpartum, and/or parenting infants. Meeting 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month, 4:00-5:30pm. T h…

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Thurston County Parenting and Postpartum Support Group

February 16 @ 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Thurston County Public Health

This is a support group for any parent currently navigating the highs and lows of pregnancy, postpartum, and/or parenting infants. Join other parents navigating the highs and lows of pregnancy,…

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Thurston County Parenting and Postpartum Support Group

March 6 @ 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Thurston County Public Health

This is a support group for any parent currently navigating the highs and lows of pregnancy, postpartum, and/or parenting infants. Meeting 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month, 4:00-5:30pm. T h…

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